Artistry, Sensemaking and Dialogue Projects by John Oliver

Finding Meaning In* Life
A 'witnessing' video portrait and collaborative expressive art work
A 6-session process of biography filming, and collaborative art work/performance creation
Remote filming using the method
Biographical video portrait
Your personal art work
€2250 for remote facilitation
Residential options also available in SW France
*Meaning "in" life, is a key distinction versus seeking the meaning "of" life, as described by John Vervaeke. A confusion or assumption of dependency between the two, is an opportunity for clarification and assurance of how meaning "in" life is accessible to all.

Art work by Tyler.World - "Our Interiors Arre Not For Sale" 2022

"It's Not About Happiness, But Meaning"
6 sessions included in the package:
First remote portrait filming session - 1.5hr video remote narrative filming - based on the unconditional silent witnessing with the method
1hr debriefing call with the video edit - creative goal setting
2hr creative process live focusing and creative homework
1hr art experience debrief - taking stock of what has emerged
Second remote portrait filming session - the cognitive scaffolding reflecting on the creative experience.
3 to 6 month follow-up call - what has evolved?
​This outcomes of this offer is a biographical portrait, and a personal expressive art project, to provide you with a unique meaning-making experience and legacy.
The art project could be any of the following creative adventures:
A distinct art work (sculpture, painting, installation, poem, book)
A performance, a ritual, a celebration
A specifc event goal (cooking a banquet, throwing a party)
A travelling, writing, observational act.
Included in the experience we will be:
A direct access to our 'pre-cognitive' faculty through the creative senses as a person-centered sensemaking process
A space that allows us to step back and integrate all the tensions, contracdictions and polarities in our lives.
Supporting you throught the scariest aspects of the creative impulse
Re-enchanting our post-modern educational conditioning
...Life as art....finding meaning in the second half of life.
The permission artist is to explore the liminal edges of our life...and it's meaning. The evidence is resoundingly clear, as we learn and socially recognise more about mental health issues, and reckonings such as "I don't want to be the richest person in the cemetry"
A breakthrough facilitated process, integrating deep philosophical principles on the human condition and flourishing
Balancing right and left brain hemispheres -a unique integration of cognitive scaffolding (left brain) and holistic, syncretic sensing (right brain). It is now better understood that conditions such as depression emerge with an overactivation of the right brain.
The dance, the movement between our inner polarities is at the heart of this process, with the dynamics being held together by a contemplative practice of silence and witnessing.
Integrative Dance Between Divergent Faculties
Image: John Oliver 2023

For details on the significance of the reciprocal movement between left and right hemisphere faculties, see the John Vervaeke's exposé in the Meaning Code episode below.
Creativity as "Divergent Flow"
Image: John Oliver 2023

A Proposal For Distinguishing Creativity as "Divergent Flow" From Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's High-Challenge High-Skill Flow.
For over 20 years I have been fascinated about the "Map Making" process of the creative experience, and how artists relate to their practice.
There seems to be a unique opportunity to see some of the common patterns in order to make sense of the often baffling, exotic, hyper-abstract aspects of modern art (see JF Martel and Leonard Shlain's writing on this - references below).
Reaching somewhat back to the 19th century philosophical writings on art such as John Dewey, the meaning of art as "experience" remains a provocative statement, and lived out only in pockets of counter-culture movements (for example festivals such as Burning Man).
But it is impossible to imagine our lives without the expressive arts - something that the cultural anthropologists can state as being core to the human condition and evolution - going right back to the first cave paintings.
With our post-industrial society embracing the "concrete" (e.g. scientific research breakthroughs) or "high performance" (e.g. sports, musical) examples of successful 'Flow" states as described by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (with the worthy qualities of high skill and high challenge), there is now a new opening for society to value the proposed 'Divergent' type of flow that occurs in the unique qualities of the creative process - as described ever more eloquently by research in the cognitive and contemplative - spiritual practice domains.
In the zone of Divergent Flow, I propose we access states of wonder and surrender and listening, vs. peformance or achievement type states of Flow.
Scope Of Guide and Witness
John's vision is to integrate his background in cogntive developmental psychology* with the arts - an example of integrating the "True" and "Beautiful" from the Transcendentals (Arts, Science, Religion), coming together in a movement. John brings his artistic practice at Tyler.World, and witessing portrait work at to this offer as a "meaning-making" fellow traveller.
Person-Centered Developmental Unfolding
It is important to state that this process is offered with John as a guide, sounding board and unconditional 'witness'. Principles from Carl Roger's and Eugine Gendlin's person-centered approaches to personal meaning-making have been key influences to the design of this offer. Whilst the experience can have deep therapeutic aspects, John is not a qualified therapist. For any concerns with potential history of mental health issues (depression, anxiety etc.), please discuss with John.
*Completed the certified coach training at in 2015 in post-Piagetian cognitive skills

Testimonials To The Witnessing Filming Process
East Forest
"I found it so refreshing to be held in an energy of complete opportunity and wide-open space—a medicine sorely needed these days.
To allow something larger to come through is the greatest gift and doorway of a conversation. And it is a true testament to the process of 'witness filming' to offer an invitation for an honest and vulnerable becoming."
See East Forest's portrait on the creative experience here (filmed remotely)
Research References
Books - Recommended Reading
"The Hidden Order of Art": Anton Ehrenzweig
"Focusing": Eugine Gendlin
"Art and Physics": Leonard Shlain
"Art and Artifice": JF Martel
"The War of Art": Steven Pressfield
"The Artist's Way": Julia Cameron
"Finding Meaning In The Second Half of Life": James Hollis
"Ethical Life": Webb Keane
"The Creative Experience As Spiritual Practice": Peggy Thayer
"The Doorway to Artistry": Esther Meek
"Trauma and Expressive Arts Therapy: Brain, Body, and Imagination in the Healing Process": Cathy A. Malchiodi
"Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking": David Bayles, Ted Orland
Articles and Papers
Videos / Podcasts
The Meaning Code - exploring deeply integrative philosophy, art, ethics and meaning making.
Episode Nov 11th 2022 Significance of reciprocal movement left and right hemisphere faculties - John Vervaeke ​